Kol HaLev Weekly Bulletin
September 10, 2024
This Shabbat morning, we will be celebrating the revealing of our new custom Torah cover created by artist Jeanette Kevin Oren in collaboration with our committee headed by Linda Silvern. This photo is called “Opening Act” by Beth Bugnaski.
Daily Meditation and Shofar Blowing for Elul
9 am - 9:30 am for the month of Elul - virtual
Tuesday, September 10th through Monday, September 30th (except Saturdays)
For this month of Elul (leading up to Rosh Hashanah), we will be meeting for meditation, a short teaching,
and a shofar blast every morning together on zoom. A great way to start your day and get into the High Holiday groove.
Helene Needs Your Help!
Volunteers are needed to help Helene with the high holidays. Please contact her if you have any
ability to serve at the welcome desk on the high holidays or help with set-up. Helene 410-733-2303 or email.
This Shabbat!
Kabbalat Shabbat
Friday, September 13, 7 pm - virtual
Join Rabbi Emily to welcome in Shabbat with candlelighting, song and prayer.
Shabbat Morning Service
Saturday, September 14, 10 am
CHC Chapel and virtual
A committee headed by Linda Silvern worked with Jewish ritual artist Jeanette Kevin Oren
to design a completely uniquely spectacular Torah cover. Come and see it revealed for the
first time at Kol HaLev’s Shabbat service.
(Please remember that the chapel is a fragrance-free zone.)
This week’s Torah portion is from Ki Teitzei, Deuteronomy 21:10-25:19 and will be chanted by Rabbis Emily and Steven.
Saturday, September 14 After Morning Service
CHC Library
Chap. 13 (A God of Love) and 14 (Engaging Chosenness), pp.265-346
Bring something to eat after services and come discuss the next chapters of 'Judaism is About Love' by Shai Held
What's Happening This Week
Final Bylaw Committee Meeting
Tuesday, September 10, 6:30 pm - virtual
We will have a final bylaw committee meeting on Tuesday, September 10th at 6:30 pm.
Community Gathering with Rabbi Emily
Wednesday, September 11, 7:30 pm - virtual
A safe space to connect, listen, and check in with each other.
Service Leadership Workshop with Rabbi Emily
Thursday, September 12, 6:00 pm - virtual
Join fellow Kol HaLev members in learning about prayers, composing prayers, and practicing
the presentation of prayers. Rabbi Emily and the group will offer gentle feedback
on your choices. Members of this workshop have gained confidence and led several successful
services together. And they’ll be happy to welcome you! No prior experience necessary.
Niggun circle
Sunday, September 15, 4 pm
CHC Library
Everyone is welcome to join in singing these wordless traditional melodies through which the soul reaches out to God.
For information, contact Rick.
Save the Dates!
A Shabbat Stroll in the Park
Saturday, September 21 after Shabbat Services at 1pm
Bring a brown bag lunch and plenty of water!
Three Picnic Pavilions & Playground, & Sport Fields in MEADOWOOD PARK 10650 Falls Road, Lutherville, MD. 21093
across from Greenspring Station. Let's all walk, talk, stretch, laugh and have fun together! Track paved .08 miles
RSVP: Helene 410-733-2303 or email.
Sukkah Building
Sunday, October 13
At Rabbi Steven and Linda’s home!
More information to come!
CHC’s Annual Fall Blood Drive
Saturday, October 26, 7:45 am - 1 pm
CHC Parish Hall
Anyone who would like to donate should contact Sandy Benson directly to set up a time.
Community Notes
New Yesod Committee
A new committee has formed to support the community in the most foundational way. Responsibilities include ensuring
there’s challah, wine, and grape juice for shabbat, and the organization of potlucks. If you would like to be included in this
committee of helping sustain and support the community, please contact Judy.
Security Survey
Security costs $150 every Shabbat morning. Unless we can get donations to cover it, our budget can’t afford it.
Although we will have security for major events, we are sending out this survey to assess the importance of having security every
Shabbat morning to the community. We are also brainstorming other options so that everyone is and continues to feel safe.
Please weigh in here.
Minyan Makers
If you want to ensure a minyan to say mourner’s kaddish on a particular shabbat,
Just text President Alan Silver at (443) 996-3445, providing the date(s) needed.
The Chesed Network provides an opportunity to show kindness and compassion to those Kol HaLev members in need of support by offering caring, connection, and help. If you are in need of support, or if you would like to be part of our Chesed team, please contact Shira.
For more about Kol HaLev, our people, services, programs, and events, check out the updated Kol HaLev website at www.kolhalevmd.org!
Reading. Please note: what you see on your phone or other device is only about half of the newsletter. Because readers have told us that they don’t want to scroll through large blocks of text on their phones, we generally display only the first few lines of each item in the email, with the option to click through to the website. What you don’t get in the email is the reason, the details, the context, and, often, the contact information.
So if you want the full, in-depth, unexpurgated experience, please click through!
Contributing. The weekly KHL newsletter goes out on Tuesdays. If you’d like to put an item in the newsletter, please clear it with Rabbi Emily and Alan Silver by noon on the previous Sunday. Suitable items include KHL activities, some CHC activities, and events of particular interest in the larger Jewish community. Please provide a complete paragraph (or several paragraphs) with all relevant information.
As a rule, the KHL newsletter does not reprint content from other sources, whether print or digital. A summary and a link to the content may be provided instead. If you have material that you think is vitally important to reprint in the KHL newsletter, please provide proof of permission from
the author(s) and publisher. The relevant information on copyright law is available here.
Reading. Please note: what you see on your phone or other device is only about half of the newsletter. Because readers have told us that they don’t want to scroll through large blocks of text on their phones, we generally display only the first few lines of each item in the email, with the option to click through to the website. What you don’t get in the email is the reason, the details, the context, and, often, the contact information.
So if you want the full, in-depth, unexpurgated experience, please click through!
Contributing. The weekly KHL newsletter goes out on Tuesdays. If you’d like to put an item in the newsletter, please clear it with Rabbi Emily and Alan Silver by noon on the previous Sunday. Suitable items include KHL activities, some CHC activities, and events of particular interest in the larger Jewish community. Please provide a complete paragraph (or several paragraphs) with all relevant information.
As a rule, the KHL newsletter does not reprint content from other sources, whether print or digital. A summary and a link to the content may be provided instead. If you have material that you think is vitally important to reprint in the KHL newsletter, please provide proof of permission from
the author(s) and publisher. The relevant information on copyright law is available here.
Rabbi Emily Stern: 516-835-9995, rabbi@kolhalevmd.org
Cantor George Henschel: 202-361-2103, cantor@kolhalevmd.org
President Alan Silver: 443-996-3445, president@kolhalevmd.org