Shabbat Unplugged
Kol HaLev's Musical Group
Music is a key component of life at Kol HaLev. We begin our learning with wordless tunes--niggunim, and we have a circle for anyone who wants to learn niggunim. We have an ensemble of musicians (KHL Unplugged) who lead one Kabbalat Shabbat a month (Shabbat Unplugged). We also play instruments on Shabbat and for other worship as well. Our music is both "homegrown"--written by our musicians and harvested from around the world including melodies from Nava Tehila, Debbie Friedman, Craig Tubman, Noam Katz and many others. Please checkout our Shabbat Music for the melodies and texts we use at Kol HaLev, and you also may enjoy our playlist of original music below. We also offer the occasional chanting service.
Unplugged Playlist
Kabbalat Shabbat Highlights
The Glory That Shines
By Emily Stern
Words based on Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
“Love and God”, 1965 SRM Publications, Oslo, Norway (
Candle lighting meditation by Zelda p 3, Siddur Kol Haneshamah
From the window of my heart
The light of Thine alter Shines,
It spreads all around,
Illuminates the earth and the sky,
The Glory that Shines
Lehadlik neirot, b'chol ha'olomot
Zuhi Shabbat
Lehadlik neirot Shabbat
Lehadlik neirot Shabbat
From the window of my heart
the light of Thine alter comes
Brightening the sun and moon
Blessing man and angels too
The Glory that Shines (3x)
Dodi Li
Music by YofiYah (aka Susan Deikman)
Song of Songs 6 verse 3
p. 19 Siddur Kol Haneshamah
Dodi li va'ani lo
Ha'roeh ba'shoshanim
Dodi li va'ani lo
Ha'roeh ba'shoshanim
Dodi li va'ani lo
Ha'roeh ba'shoshanim
Dodi li va'ani lo
Ha'roeh ba'shoshanim
Dodi li va'ani lo
Dodi li va'ani lo
Dodi li va'ani lo
Dodi li va'ani lo
Dodi li va'ani lo
Dodi li va'ani lo
Dodi li va'ani lo
Dodi li va'ani lo
Dodi li va'ani lo
Dodi li va'ani lo
Dodi li va'ani lo
Dodi li va'ani lo
Dodi li va'ani lo
Dodi li va'ani lo
Dodi li va'ani lo
Dodi li va'ani lo
Dodi li va'ani lo
Ha'roeh ba'shoshanim
Dodi li va'ani lo
Ha'roeh ba'shoshanim
Dodi li va'ani lo
Ha'roeh ba'shoshanim
Dodi li va'ani lo
Ha'roeh ba'shoshanim
Pure Heart
Music by Yoel Sykes & Daphne Rosenberg (Nava Tehila, Jerusalem)
Based on Psalm 15 verse 12
text pasted in the back of most Siddur Kol Hanshema
Create a pure heart in me, Great Spirit,
Create a pure heart in me,
Create a pure heart in me, Great Spirit,
Create a pure heart in me,
And renew a true soul within me,
And renew a true soul within
And renew a true soul within me,
And renew a true soul within
Lev tahur bera li Elohim
Lev tahur bera li
Lev tahur bera li Elohim
Lev tahur bera li
V'ruach nachon chadesh b'kirbi
Chadesh b'kibirbi
V'ruach nachon chadesh b'kirbi
Chadesh kibirbi
Repeat English Verse
Shalom Aleichem
Music by Daphna Rosenberg, Nava Tehila, Jerusalem
p. 13 Siddur Kol Haneshamah
Shalom aleychem malachey hasharet malachey elyon
mimelech malchey hamalachim hakadosh baruch hu.
Boachem leshalom alachey hashalom malachey elyon
mimelech malchey hamalachim hakadosh baruch hu.
Barechuni leshalom alachey hashalom malachey elyon
mimelech malchey hamalachim hakadosh baruch hu.
Tzetchem leshalom alachey hashalom malachey elyon
mimelech malchey hamalachim hakadosh baruch hu.
Shalom aleychem malachey hasharet malachey elyon
mimelech malchey hamalachim hakadosh baruch hu.
Asher Lo HaYam
Music Daphna Rosenberg, Nava Tehila, Jerusalem
Psalm 95, 5
p. 21 Siddur Kol Haneshamah
Asher lo hayam v'hu asahu (2x)
Vyabeshet yadav yatzaru (2x)
Yaaloz Sadai
Navot Ben Barak and Yoel Sykes, Nava Tehila, Jerusalem
Psalm 96 verse 12
p. 27 Siddur Kol Haneshama
Ya'aloz sadai v'chol asher bo
Ya'aloz sadai, ai ya ya ya yai (2x)
Az y'ran'nu kol atzai ya'ar (4x)
Shame'a Vatismach
Music Daphna Rosenberg, Nava Tehila, Jerusalem
Psalm 97 verse 8
p. 29 Siddur Kol Haneshamah
Shame'a vatismach, shame'a vatismach, tzion, tzion (2x)
V'tagelna b'not Yehudah (2x)
L'Cha Dodi
Music Yoel Sykes, Daphna Rosenberg, Ruth Gan Kagan, Lizzy Heydemann, Nava Tehila, Jerusalem
p. 41 Siddur Kol Haneshamah
Lechah dodi likrat kalah peney shabbat nekabelah (2x)
Sahmor vezachor bedibur echad
Hishmi'anu el hamyuchad
Adonai echad ushmo echad
Leshem ultiferet velit-hilah
Lechah dodi likrat kalah peney shabbat nekabelah (2x)
Likrat shabbat lechu venelcha
Ki hi mekor haberachah
Merosh mikedem nesuchah
Sof ma'aseh bemachashavah tehilah
Lechah dodi likrat kalah peney shabbat nekabelah (2x)
Bo'i veshalom ateret balah
Gam besimchah uvtzoholah
Toch emuney am segulah
Bo'i chalah bo'i chalah
Lechah dodi likrat kalah peney shabbat nekabelah (2x)
Mizmor Shir
Music Daphna Rosenberg, Nava Tehila, Jerusalem
Psalm 92
p. 49 Siddur Kol Haneshamah
Mizmor shir l'yom ha'shabbat (2x)
Tov l'hodot l'Adonai, u'l'zamer l'shimcha elyon
L'hagid baboker chasdecha, ve'emunatecha ba'lailot
Alay asar v'alay navel alay higayon, v'chinor (2x)
Roll Into Dark
Music Noam Katz
Based on Asher Bidvaro p. 59 Siddur Kol Haneshamah
Roll into dark roll into light
Night becomes day, day turns to night (2x)
Boray yom v'leilah
Golayl or mipneh choshech
Golayl or mipneh choshech
V'choshech mipneh or
Music Abbe Lyons
p. 65 Siddur Kol Haneshamah
1. Shema, shema, shema, shema, shema, shema echad (repeat)
2. Shema, shema, shema echad, shema, shema, Adonai echad (repeat)
3. Shema Yisrael Adonai eloheinu Adonai echad (repeat)
Music by George Henschel
p. 81 Siddur Kol Haneshamah
Hashkivenu adonai eloheynu l'shalom, l'shalom, l'shalom, l'shalom
Veha'amidenu malkenu lechayim, lechayim, lechayim, lechayim (2x)
Ufros aleynu sukkat shlomecha (2x)
Baruch atah Adonai (2x)
Haporeis sukkat shalom aleynu, v'al kol amo Yisrael
V'al Yerushalyim, amen, amen, amen
Ufros aleynu sukkat shlomecha (2x)
Baruch atah Adonai (2x)
Haporeis sukkat shalom aleynu, v'al kol amo Yisrael
V'al Yerushalyim, amen, amen, amen
Amen, amen, amen.
Music by George Henschel
p. 85 Siddur Kol Haneshamah
V'shamru v'nei Yisraeil et ha'Shabbat
La'asot et ha'Shabbat l'dorotam b'reet olam (2x)
Beini u'vein b'nei Yisrael ot hee l'olam (2)
V'shamru v'nei Yisraeil et ha'Shabbat
La'asot et ha'Shabbat l'dorotam b'reet olam
Ki sheshet yamim asah Adonai,
Et ha'shamayim v'et ha'aretz
U'vayom hash'vi'i uvayom sah'vi'i
Shavat v'yinafash
V'shamru v'nei Yisraeil et ha'Shabbat
La'asot et ha'Shabbat l'dorotam b'reet olam
Modim Anachnu Lach
Music by George Henschel
p. 101 Siddur Kol Haneshamah
Modim, modim, modim anachnu lach (2x)
Sheh'atah hu Adonai Eloheynu
V'Elohay avoteinu v'emotaynu
Avoteinu v'emotaynu
L'olam va'ed (2x)
Shalom Rav
Music by George Henschel
p. 105 Siddur Kol Haneshamah
Shalom rav al Yisraeil amcha
Tasim, tasim l'olam (2x)
Ki atah hu melech adon l'chol ha'shalom
Ki atah hu melech adon l'chol l'chol ha'shalom
Shalom rav al Yisraeil amcha
Tasim, tasim l'olam (2x)
V'tov b'einecha l'vareich et amcha Yisraeil
B'chol eit u'v'chol sha'ah bish'lo'mecha
Shalom rav al Yisraeil amcha
Tasim, tasim l'olam (2x)
Debbie Friedman & Drorah Setel
Pasted in back of most Siddur Kol Haneshamah
Mishebeirach avoteinu m'kor hab'rachah l'imoteinu
May the Source of stgrength, who blessed the ones before us
Help us find the courage to make our lives a blessing
And let us say amen
Mishebeirach imoteinu, m'kor hb'rachah l'avoteinu
Bless those in need of healing with refuah shleymah
The renewal of body, the renewal of spirit
And let us say amen
Oseh Shalom
Music by Yoel Sykes, Nava Tehila, Jerusalem
p. 107 Siddur Kol Haneshama
Oseh shalom bim'ro'mav
Hu ya'aseh shalom aleinu
V'al kol Yisrael
V'al kol yoshvei tevel
V'imru amen (2x)
Ya lai lai.....
Oseh shalom bim'ro'mav
Hu ya'aseh shalom aleinu
V'al kol Yisrael
V'al kol yoshvei tevel
V'imru amen
Ya lai lai.....
Oseh shalom bim'ro'mav
Hu ya'aseh shalom aleinu
V'al kol Yisrael
V'al kol yoshvei tevel
V'imru amen
V'imru amen